March 19, 2010

Farmers Helping the Environment

I've been to a number of meetings the past few months and heard farmers complaining about why they are always blamed for nutrient pollution of local watersheds and the Chesapeake Bay.  Granted, agriculture does still contribute a large percentage of nutrients to the Chesapeake Bay and local watersheds, but progress has been made.  In Pennsylvania, agriculture has reached over 40% of the nitrogen reduction goal and 30% of the phosphorus reduction goal!  This did not just happen, farmers made it happen through hard work and continuing to try to make their farms better. 

I see farmers doing the right thing for the environment all the time.  Just in the past few weeks I have received phone calls from producers trying to figure out the best way to reduce odor on the farm, compost manure to reduce the risk of nitrogen leaching, upgrade manure digesters, and to install solar power.  All of these farmers are considering making significant investments purely for the sake of doing the right thing for the environment and their neighbors.  How many of the rest of us can say that we have made the same level of investment in our own homes and lives to reduce our impact on the environment?  Farmers really are the original stewards of the land and deserve our respect and appreciation for their efforts. 

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